Welcome to TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks (TFB) Documentation

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TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks is an open source, performance comparison of many web application frameworks executing fundamental tasks such as JSON serialization, database access, and server-side template composition.

Please see the corresponding document for more information about TechEmpower, the Framework Benchmarks, or the Documentation.

The main documentation for the site is organized into a few sections. Visit each section to get more details related to that area, a more detailed overview of what's in each section, and where to find information that isn't listed. Here are the major sections in the documentation:

Section Summary
Project Information General information regarding the project terminology, concepts, and project scope.
Development Guides and documents that assist with getting set up for development, adding a test or framework, and adding features to the benchmark suite.
Benchmarking Assistance getting set up to run the benchmark, and running the benchmarks yourself.
Support Get more help by getting in touch with the community, and look over the FAQs.